Read the latest news about composite door and window products and trends from Composite Doors Yorkshire.

How Secure is Your Home?

How Secure is Your Home?

Published on 6th November 2014

According to the latest crime statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) for the year ending June 2014 there were an estimated 779,000 incidents of domestic burglary, which although sounds like a significant figure, is actually a decrease of 12% on the same period last year.

Are These The Smallest Composite Stable Doors Ever Made?

Are These The Smallest Composite Stable Doors Ever Made?

Published on 2nd July 2014

With onsite manufacturing capabilities and extensive experience with composite doors, Yorkshire Doors & Windows were only too happy to help a customer who had been told that it was impossible for him to have a composite stable door on his home due to its small size.

Strong Doors for Extreme Weather

Strong Doors for Extreme Weather

Published on 24th March 2014

With the UK being battered by severe weather conditions, it’s no surprise that people are looking to protect and weather proof their homes from the possible effects.

